Bulky waste drop-off or collection
You can take bulky waste to the sorting station yourself. It's also possible to have bulky waste collected for a fee and after registration. For example, you can dispose of large and small appliances, used cooking oil, stones, soil, etcetera, at the 'scheidingsdepot' (sorting station), where you sort it yourself.
- Powder and dust products such as cement powder and wood dust
- Rubber tires and tiles, etcetera.
- Construction and demolition waste, rubble, roofing, industrial waste
- Material lighter than 100 kg per cubic meter, such as polystyrene-polyurethane foam
- Insulation materials such as glass and rock wool
- Syringes and needles
- Electrical and electronic appliances, except for refrigerators and freezers (these are collected separately at a reduced rate)
- Hazardous waste (chemical and household)
- Asbestos-containing, suspected, and/or similar materials
- Soil, garden waste, tree trunks, stumps, and other organic materials (on 2 days per year, only pre-registered branches are collected for free according to the waste calendar)
- Mattresses if more than 2 pieces
- Animal carcasses
Rent a cargo bike for free
Those without transportation to take bulky waste to the sorting station can rent a cargo bike for free. When the cargo bike is available, you can use it for 3 hours. To rent the cargo bike you must bring a valid identity card (ID).
The municipality collects household and garden waste from your home every week on Wednesday. You can register for this until Tuesday noon. If you want to have your bulky waste collected, you must inform the municipality by telephone (0297) 513 111 of the following:
- Name
- Address
- Phone number
- BSN number (burgerservicenummer, or citizen service number). BSN is a unique personal number for contact with the government. Everyone who is registered with a Dutch municipality has a BSN. Your BSN can be found on your passport, driving licence and identity card.
- Items to be placed outside
- Volume of waste (in cubic meters)
- Preferred pickup date
Other waste disposal
You can dispose of electronic waste at the store where you purchased the device or at the sorting station. Usable devices or items can be taken to the Ceres thrift store. You can find the Ceres thrift store on: Industrieweg 33, 1422 AH, Uithoorn. Phone number: (0297) 568 608. Opening hours: 8.30 a.m. to 15.30 p.m. Email address: info@ceres-kringloop.nl.
For repairs, visit Repair Cafe Uithoorn. Opening hours: 1 to 4 p.m. Email address: repaircafeuithoorn@gmail.com.
- Sport en Activiteiten Centrum, De Scheg, De Buurtkamer (can be reached via the main entrance), Arthur van Schendellaan 100A Uithoorn. Open on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month (2024).
- Buurthuis Ponderosa, Plesmanlaan 27, 1421 XM, Uithoorn. Open on the 2nd Wednesday of the month (2024).
- For bulky waste pickup: €54.70 per cubic meter (rate 2025).
- For picking up a refrigerator or freezer: €12.36 (rate 2025).
Sorting station, address and opening hours: Industrieweg 29, 1422 AH Uithoorn. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and from 1 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.